
Helper contract for our backend servers to whitelist users and to fill their Fuse network gas.



Emitted when new admins were added.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The addresses of the admins that were added.

event AdminsAdded(address payable[] indexed admins);


Emitted when old admins were removed.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The addresses of the admins that were removed.

event AdminsRemoved(address[] indexed admins);


Emitted when the specific user address was topped.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The users address that was topped.


The amount that was sent.

event WalletTopped(address indexed user, uint256 amount);


Emitted when the wallet is performing some tx.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The contract that was called.


The data of the tx.


The amount of the native token that was sent.


The status of the performed tx.

event GenericCall(
        address indexed _contract,
        bytes _data,
        uint256 _value,
        bool _success


Sets the SignUpBonus contract address.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The new address of the SignUpBonus contract.

Can only be called by the admin.

function setBonusContract(address _bonus) public;


Function to add list of addresses to admins list.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The list of addresses to add as admins list.

Can only be called by the admin.

function addAdmins(address payable[] memory _admins) public;


Function to remove list of addresses from admins list.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The list of addresses to remove from admins list.

Can only be called by the admin.

function removeAdmins(address[] memory _admins) public;


Function to top group of admins by indicies with amount of G$ given in constructor. The amount of times per day specified in the constructor.

Parameter nameAnnotation


Starting index in the admins list.


Ending index in the admins list.

function topAdmins(uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex) public;

Below there is the overriden variant which performs like the original except the endIndex is set to 50 by default.

function topAdmins(uint256 startIndex) public;


Function to check if given account is the admin.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The account address to check.

Returns: true if _user is the admin, false elsewise.

function isAdmin(address _user) public view returns (bool)


Function to add given address to whitelist of identity contract.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The account address to be added to whitelist.


The DID of the _user.

Can only be called by admins of wallet and if wallet is an IdentityAdmin.

function whitelist(address _user, string memory _did) public;


Function to remove given address from whitelist of identity contract.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The account address to whitelist.

Can only be called by admins of wallet and if wallet is an IdentityAdmin.

function removeWhitelist(address _user) public;


Function to add given address to blacklist of identity contract.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The account address to be added to blacklist.

Can only be called by admins of wallet and if wallet is an IdentityAdmin.

function blacklist(address _user) public;


Function to remove given address from blacklist of identity contract.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The account address to be removed from blacklist.

Can only be called by admins of wallet and if wallet is an IdentityAdmin.

function removeBlacklist(address _user) public;


Function to top given address with amount of G$ given in constructor.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The address to transfer to.

Can only be done by admin. The amount of times per day specified in constructor.

function topWallet(address payable _user) public;


Function to whitelist user and also award him pending bonuses, it can be used also later when the user is already whitelisted to just award pending bonuses.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The address to transfer to and whitelist.


The bonus amount to give.


Decentralized ID of user, pointer to some profile.

Can only be done by admin.

function whitelistAndAwardUser(
        address _user,
        uint256 _amount,
        string memory _did
) public;


Function to award user with pending bonuses, can only be done by admin.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The address to transfer to and whitelist.


The bonus amount to give.

function awardUser(address _user, uint256 _amount) public;


Perform a generic call to an arbitrary contract.

Parameter nameAnnotation


The contract's address to call.


ABI-encoded contract call to call _contract address.


Value (native token) to transfer with the transaction.

Returns: pair of bool and bytes - success or fail and bytes of the called contract's function.

function genericCall(
        address _contract,
        bytes memory _data,
        uint256 _value
 ) public returns (bool success, bytes memory returnValue)


Destroy wallet and return funds to owner. Can only be executed by the admin.

function destroy() public;

Last updated